Aaden has changed so much and is doing so much more. He says a select few words: "more" - usually meaning more food, "fishies" for his fishy crackers, and yesterday he learned to say "No!" and he thought that was fabulous. Mommy said no and he looked right back at me and said, "No, no, no, no" with a great big smile on his face. He was very proud of himself and so was I but I think I may be in trouble now. He can also do some sign language for more, all done, help, and open. He is basically understanding what we say - to the point any 21 month old would. I'm sure more words will follow soon. I am hoping he will say mama and dada next.
He learned to wave good-bye on my birthday a couple of weeks ago and that was the best birthday present ever. He now dances when he hears music. The funniest is when we are out in public. When we pass by loud music coming from a store he'll stop whatever he is doing and look at you like "Do you hear that too?" and then start wiggling around right there in his stroller. He thinks it's a blast.
Attachment is so much better now too (for better and worse). Now when he falls or bumps himself he comes to his mommy for kisses even if he isn't really hurt. At playgroup last week, he realized I was not in the room for the first time and cried for me - although I want him to be independent it's nice to know he misses me, the first week there he kicked and screamed at me when I tried to take him home and wanted nothing to do with me. Like his basic understanding of language around 1 month home, his attachment really started to show around 3 months home and just snowballed from there. On the not so fun side, he is much more comfortable acting out and not listening to his mom and dad now. That has become a challenge lately but we are working on it.
Overall, Aaden is still amazing us every day. He is such a sweet little boy and we are so lucky to be his parents. I'll leave you with some recent pictures: