Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take,
but by the moments that take your breath away.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Countdown Begins! 5 days

In 5 days we will have Aaden in our arms. It's hard to believe it is finally here. Today I woke up and did laundry. It was my first time folding tiny clothes. So many mothers do this on a daily basis but for me, today, it seemed miraculous. I am finally able to do these things for my son.

As I leave to run some errands I turn back in my car as I back out of the driveway, there is a baby seat strapped snuggly in the middle of the back seat. As I come home from errands, I open my door to find a cabinet full of toys, a basket of baby books, a changing area, and a new stroller waiting for its little rider to come home next week. I drop off my bags in the kitchen and there’s a high chair and my cabinets now hold baby food and tiny plates, bowls, and sippy cups. I go upstairs and there is a baby’s room. Yes, it has been there for 2 months but this is the first time I am really feeling what it means. I have a son and he will be in that room next week.

Wow, how amazing is that.


Melissa said...

Isnt it the best feeling. congrats, you are almost there.

JackieMacD said...

I'm so excited. It's amazing how you see those things in a different light now. You're almost there...